Many Landmark Forum graduates are deeply moved by the possibility of having the benefits of the education from Landmark be made available to the communities which are special to us. We have been privileged to document the arrivals of Landmark Education in many new countries before.
Now it is the time to congratulate the Landmark Forum Graduates in Taipei, Taiwan, who stand for the transformation of themselves, their loved ones, their organizations and businesses, and for the transformation of life itself.
Thank you for the immense commitment, for the untold heartache and hardwork that makes this historical moment a reality. Thank you to Landmark Education for being so generous again to give us, the graduates, what we requested.
We go on through life as many do, but there is one aspect distinguished us; we are touched deeply by those extraordinary distinctions of what can be, beyond of what has been. We love the opportunity created by the unique conversation we participate with Landmark. We are clear of the beauty of this landmark BREAKTHROUGH. We love to contribute and to make a difference.